In, but late (work ends at 18). Or "late"...🫠
Hi, juhannus gave me strength to update your favourite spreadsheet: FUTSAL PAYMENTS. As usual you can find the amounts and payment info there. Please pay asap!
Also, I noticed that Matti B still had an open balance from the previous season, could someone send him a message, I don't think I have his number.
See you tomorrow!
Knee took a hit last week, let's see how it holds up.
Hi, a challenge for you all: let's try to sign in / out already on Monday for the the Tuesday football. I know, it's an unbelievably novel idea.
If at least some of you do this it could help people decide whether to take football gear with them to the office the next day and possibly help us get more players.
Another challenge: how many games can we fit in today? I'll play for two hours today (which is plenty for me) and the timer starts at six, as it is the time we start according to nimenhuuto.
Unpopular opinion: 18:00-18:30: players arrive + warm up. 18:30-20:00 games. 20:00: beers or go home.
Tomorrow might be the last futsal of the season as next week it's vappu so unlikely we'll get a game. Hope you're able to come!
In the fall, we'll play in the same school even though a change would have been nice. Looking at the positive: the start time is earlier at 18:00 so more time for beers!
Hi, I got a message from the city regading Brändö school. Not related to us as we've been tidy and probably no one has black soled shoes, so just FYI
Olen saanut koululta viestiä muutamista mahdollisista väärinkäytöksistä iltakäytön yhteydessä. Toivottavasti tulevaisuudessa kiinnitetään tarkemmin huomiota seuraaviin asioihin:
Salissa tulee käyttää sisäpelikenkiä, eikä tummapohjaisia ulkokenkiä
Salin käyttäjien tulee siivota omat jälkensä
Aleksi Fonselius
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